CIH responds to Government plans


CIH responds to Government plans to revive Right to Buy for housing association tenants Whilst CIH is supportive of measures to help people into home ownership, extending the Right to Buy to housing associations is not...

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Social landlords and the pandemic

25 April 2022

Social landlords ended pandemic with lower rent arrears after 'overnight cultural and legal changes' Many social landlords ended the pandemic with lower rent arrears than at the...

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Carbon data key in cloud purchases

25 January 2022

Carbon emissions data to become key factor in cloud purchases by 2025, predicts Gartner Carbon emissions data will become a key selection consideration for IT buyers when sourcing...

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The Closest Thing to Space Travel

13 January 2022

Digital Transformation Is ‘The Closest Thing We’ll Come to Space Travel’ A blog from the 3C Connect Team on how digital transformation is a journey and how we must adapt to the...

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RSH - 2021 Global Accounts

15 December 2021

The Regulator of Social Housing has published its 2021 Global Accounts, showing that the sector “demonstrated a resilient financial performance in the face of testing economic and...

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Data is the New Air

26 November 2021

3C’s presentation ‘Data is the New Air’ at the No.1 virtual data conference for the social housing sector Housemark’s 10 Days of Data Innovation Showcase, as headline sponsor on...

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Clúid Housing – Data Competency

Cluid Housing – Data Competency

13 November 2021

The organisation Clúid Housing is Ireland’s largest Approved Housing Body (AHB) providing over 8,000 affordable, high quality homes to over 21,000 residents with housing needs.

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Integrating Business Processes

28 October 2021

Integrating business processes using MS 365 3C’s Noema Beardsworth writes – There has been talk for some time about the potential of Dynamics and Power Apps in the UK housing...

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RSH - Sector Risk Profile 2021

20 October 2021

The Regulator of Social Housing Sector Risk Profile 2021 The Sector Risk Profile sets out the RSH view of the most significant sources of risk to providers’ ongoing compliance...

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Covid-19 and Cyber Strategy

12 October 2021

Covid-19 will loom over cyber strategy for years to come The Covid-19 pandemic, the continuing threat posed by ransomware, the growth in supply chain attacks and the strategic...

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White Horse Housing – Data migration

White Horse Housing – Data migration

22 September 2021

The organisation For over 30 years White Horse Housing (WHH) has been building and managing homes in villages throughout the County of Wiltshire, the Borough of Swindon and its...

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Expertwins - ARK & 3C

21 September 2021

ARK & 3C leading providers of governance and data governance consultancy We’ve joined forces to provide peace of mind to boards, committees and executive teams in the social...

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